Monday, April 20, 2009

Postcard # 12: Pakistan: 9th SAF Games Islamabad Postcard # 4

Here is the 4th and the final postcard from Pakistan issued on the occasion of 9th SAF Games Islamabad. You can see the details of the official mascot Bholu - the Himalayan Bear in the last post. Have fun 


Chandy said...

Hello Cheema, I'll try to find a great one for you of a Texas map!

Great collection!

MuseSwings said...

Hello, Cheema! There is a UNESCO site in my state, Florida. That is the Everglades National Park. I will try to find a card and send it to you.

dmarks said...

Great card, like none I'd seen before. Are there a lot of bears in Pakistan?

Master said...

Chandy>>> Thanks for your help. I will definitely wait for your answer.

MuseSwings>>> I would love to receive a UNESCO site postcard from you. Please send me an email whenever you find one. BTW, Can you please tell me what is meant by MuseSwings???

Dmarks>>> There are not a lot of bears left. They are found in the Northern areas of Pakistan in Himalaya Mountain Range. They are considered as endangered species. You can read a little more detail in

Best Regards to all

Anonymous said...

Hi Cheema! I'd love to exchange postcards with you. There is a UNESCO site here but I, unfortunately, do not have any way to get a postcard since it's on the other side of the state. I can send you a postcard of San Diego or California if you would like though. Post back to me on my blog with your address to where I can send you a postcard.

Eddy said...

Hello Cheema,
Do you want a postcard of the building of UNESCO in Paris or a postcard of UNESCO site in France ?
Give me your answer in my blog. I'll try to find a postcard and send it to you.

Dennda said...

Hi there,

Thanks for your message. Yes, I am interested in link exchange and I can send you a Unesco postcard from Romania but not right now because I am very busy this period and no chance to get to the post office soon !

Master said...

Hi Dennda!
I shall wait for your answer. Please send me a note when you find a postcard with UNESCO site from Pakistan.
Best Regards

Master said...

Hi Denda!
Please add my link to your blog and send me a note.I will do the same as soon as possible.
Best Regards

Tussy said...

I think I got the postcard to promote Asian game too, it was cute one.

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Mehak said...

Hey Mr Cheema, it was so nice of you to appreciate my post and comment on it. You have such a wonderful blog, it has every postcard I would ever need. By the way if you need any postcard of any other place in Pakistan I would be pledged you consider me good enough to help.
Regards Mehak.

brochure printing said...

Hello Cheema! your card is very great. Please add my blog and sent me a not, and I am very busy this time and no chance to get to the post office soon! Thank you.